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Christian Philosophy on Death Essay Example for Free

dunf406xddsl 2020. 4. 15. 04:57

Christian Philosophy on Death Essay The Christian philosophy on death has long been that there is life after death. Yes, we do have confidence, and we would rather be away from the body and at home with the Lord. (2 Corinthians 5: 8) We are supposed to take solace in the fact that while although our earthly body will be no more, our spirit or soul will move on into immortality. Since life after death seems like a simple enough concept, death should be no big deal, right? We should just view it as a step in becoming closer to God. While in theory, we should just take death in stride, even for those who wholeheartedly believe in life after death find it difficult to accept death. We find it difficult to visualize and conceptualize the afterlife and what our role will be in it. People cope with death differently. Some choose to combat it head on, others choose to simply ignore it all together. However most people fall somewhere in between those two extremes.

stian Philosophy on Death Essay Example for Free