Doctrine of election and its application to biblical studies - Essay ExampleThe doctrine of election is a critical aspect in theology as it plays a vital role in the lives of many Christians. This doctrine has overwhelming biblical support and has extensive application in biblical studies.The doctrine of election is has been one of the most debated doctrines in theology. Those who support the doctrine, and who are the majority, claim that God predestined the fate of all humans. In this context, election means that from the beginning, God selected some people out of his sovereignty for salvation. On the other hand, opponents of the doctrine claim that there is no way that God can select or choose some individuals at the expense of others. They deem that is the doctrine of election was true, then there should no be evangelism and that God could not have wasted his time creating the individuals he did not select. However, there is considerable evidence in the scriptures that God has his chosen people both in the Old and New Testament.