Scenarios of Stereotypes

Major differences between RUP and SCRUM Rup and Scrum both provide guidance on software development teams in an iterative way. An obvious difference among the aforementioned methodologies is that in RUP the first thing that the development team investigates is if the project worth investing. They estimate the costs, possible profits and define the Business Case, which is re-examined during projects lifecycle. Scrum assumes that from the time the customer wants this product, then it should be done. It focus mostly on how to organize the development and achieve the best possible quality.We can still make an absolutely perfect product regarding its features, its internal quality and architecture, but if there is no room for it in the market it has no business value. Furthermore, it is pretty clear that Scrum is mainly focused on day-to-day tasks in contrast with RUP which approach the project as a whole from the beginning. Scrum uses a backlog where all the desirable features are gathered after several discussions and brainstorming with the Product Owner.

“Contingency Theory of Accommodation and Advocacy” Contingency theory of accommodation/advocacy is a more realistic depiction of public relation strategies or models based on a continuum. The contingency theory represents the organizations possible stance on a wider range of publics than an individual one fostering rigid and exclusive categorization mostly found in a limited set communication models. Basically what the theory is getting at is opening the spectrum of the public to come to a more rounded synopsis of the issue or product.Amanda Cancel, Michael Mitrook, and Glen Cameron conceptualized the theory to offer a better understanding how the public relations field manages conflict and reaches out to the public in external communication. A study was done by 18 practitioners to see if the contingency theory made any sense to them. The theory itself offers 86 possible factors in the continuum at any given time to any given public.

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